Musk’s billionaire mate Larry Ellison, a shareholder in X, pushing ‘MRNA’ fake vaccines and AI ‘for cancer’

Musk’s billionaire mate Larry Ellison, a shareholder in X, pushing ‘MRNA’ fake vaccines and AI ‘for cancer’ on the second day in office of the fake messiah. I did warn that Trump/Musk was a monumental scam, but so few wanted to know – David Icke


It has taken a matter of hours with Trump’s $500 billion investment in ‘AI infrastructure’. Your prison is being built all around you and so many are cheering ‘USA, USA, USA – we’re winning!!’ What do you think Rogan, Carlson, Brand, Jones. Peterson, Kirk, Johnson, Pool, Rudkowski, Owens, the Tates, Weinstein, Carroll, Vlaardingerbroek, on and on? Care to comment?

Source : Musk’s billionaire mate Larry Ellison, a shareholder in X, pushing ‘MRNA’ fake vaccines and AI ‘for cancer’ on the second day in office of the fake messiah. I did warn that Trump/Musk was a monumental scam, but so few wanted to know – David Icke

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