FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (199 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever

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(I now have a free Substack newsletter where I post the latest FOI responses:
Would a sane person mix a patient sample (containing various sources of genetic material and never proven to contain any alleged “virus”) with transfected monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs, then claim that the resulting concoction is “SARS-COV-2 isolate” and ship it off internationally for use in critical research (including vaccine and test development)?
Because that’s the sort of fraudulent monkey business that’s being passed off as “virus isolation” by research teams around the world.
Just 1 of many examples is shown below – this is from a study cited by the Australian Department of Health as a paper “which led to the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in culture“. (Can you spot the oxymoron in that quote?)

If you’re new to the topic of “virus isolation/purification”, I strongly recommend that you begin by reading the Statement On Virus Isolation by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan and
Sally Fallon Morell, MA:
or watch this 5 minute video from Dr. Cowan.
Or go here for many more resources,
and corroborating evidence.
My colleague Michael S. in New Zealand and I (CM) and many other people around the world have been submitting Freedom of Information requests to institutions in various countries seeking records that describe the isolation/purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” from any unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient.
The reason: without the crucial step of isolation/purification having been performed (from many patients, followed by characterization, sequencing and controlled experiments), there is no way to claim scientifically that the alleged “novel coronavirus” (blamed for widespread death/disease/lockdown measures) actually exists.
Without this step having been performed and followed by characterization, sequencing and controlled experiments, all claims of this alleged “virus” are nothing but wild speculation backed only by fraudulent science, fraudulent tests and fraud-based diagnoses.
The requests submitted by my colleague in NZ and I (and many of the other submitters) have not been limited to records of isolation performed by the respective institution, or limited to records authored by the respective institution, rather they were open to any records describing “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”) isolation/purification performed by anyone, ever, anywhere on the planet.
Thus far (July 6, 2022) 49 Canadian institutions have provided their responses: Public Health Agency of Canada (and another from Public Health Agency of Canada, this one re the alleged “UK variant” aka “B.1.1.7” aka “Alpha”; and another from Public Health Agency of Canada re any alleged virus/variant, and another from Public Health Agency of Canada re ANY type of alleged virus at all), Health Canada (and another from Health Canada; and another from Health Canada), the National Research Council of Canada, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac), Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Public Health Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Health (and another from Ontario Ministry of Health re “delta variant”, University Health Network, Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General and Ontario Provincial Police, Alberta Ministry of Health, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, his Office and Executive Council, Calgary Police Service, Institut National de Sante Publique du Quebec (another from Public Health Quebec), British Columbia’s Ministry of Health (re “the UK variant”), British Columbia’s Centre for Disease Control, British Columbia’s Provincial Health Services Authority (2 responses, 1 re “SARS-COV-2”, 1 re the alleged “B.1.1.7” aka “Alpha variant” aka “UK variant”), Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (re “B.1.1.7” aka “Alpha variant” aka “UK variant”), Newfoundland Labrador Department of Health & Community Services, New Brunswick’s Department/Ministry of Health, McGill University, University of Ottawa, University of Waterloo, Dalhousie University, University of Guelph, the City of Toronto, Toronto Police (and another from Toronto Police), Halton Region, Hamilton Police Service (Ontario), Halton Regional Police Service (Ontario), the Region of Peel (Ontario), Region of Durham (Ontario); KFL&A Public Health (Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, re “any variant”), Grey Bruce Health Services, Grey Bruce Health Unit, Simcoe Muskoka Health Unit, Niagara Regional Police Service, Peterborough Public Health (Ontario), Peterborough Police Service (Ontario) (another from Peterborough Police), Aylmer Police Service (Ontario) (and another from Aylmer Police), Woodstock Police Service (Ontario), Sudbury Police Service (Ontario), Hastings Prince Edward Public Health (Ontario), the University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, McMaster University and Mount Sinai Hospital (Toronto) (note that researchers from the last 4 institutions had publicly claimed to have “isolated the virus”, as had VIDO-Intervac).
Every institution has failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing the isolation aka purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” directly from a patient sample that was not first adulterated with other sources of genetic material. (Those other sources are typically monkey kidney aka “Vero” cells and fetal bovine serum).
(And, to our knowledge, no one on the planet has ever purified the alleged “virus” even from a cell culture!)
In their responses, numerous institutions have made it explicitly clear that isolation/purification is simply never done in virology, and that “isolation” in virology means the exact opposite of what it means in everyday English. This is also evidenced in every “virus isolation” paper we have ever seen, for any alleged “virus”.

Canadian public health officials have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification performed anywhere, ever
(Note: Sébastien Grammond, a man who acts as “Federal Court judge” here in Canada, has concocted a bogus “confirmation” that “SARS-CoV-2 virus is real” – based on zero valid science and despite knowing of that all 138 institutions listed in my affidavit had failed to cite even 1 example of the alleged virus having been purified from any patient sample on the planet. Why waste time on science or logic when you can simply “accept” the “Attorney General of Canada’s invitation to take judicial notice that the virus is real”? Sounds perfectly legit. “Noticing” widespread beliefs is so much better than reviewing the pertinent facts.
“…where allegations are contrary to judicially noticed facts, because judicial notice is conclusive…Such allegations, therefore, are ‘manifestly incapable of being proven.’” What could possibly go wrong? See: , and
As of July 15, 2022: 199 institutions and offices in over 30 countries have responded thus far, as well as some “SARS-COV-2 isolation” study authors, and none have provided or cited any record describing actual “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification. All of the responses in our collection are available from this page.
Excel file listing 198 institutions (last updated July 6, 2022):
Google drive folder where all of the FOI documents as of May 14, 2022 are grouped by country (for the most part) and compiled into 11 pdfs (Exhibits 1 – 4; Exhibit 4 has 8 parts):
If you would like to receive email updates re new FOI responses, let me know at or
Check back here (the page you are currently on) for regular updates.
The list shown below was current as of October 5, 2021.

(Yes, we are aware of the many publications wherein authors claim to have “isolated the virus”. We’ve looked at numerous such studies and have yet to see one where they actually did so. Claiming to have done something and actually doing it are sometimes 2 different things, even in peer-reviewed science.
And yes we are aware of the many published alleged “SARS-COV-2 genomes” – these were in fact manufactured, not discovered.
And yes we are aware that EM photos have been published, allegedly of “the virus”, however a photo of something does not tell you what the thing is, where it came from or what it does. One has to scrutinize the Methods used to “isolate the virus” / obtain said photos / obtain alleged genomes, and that is when absolutely everything falls apart with “COVID-19” (and virology in general).
Global Research posted the entire FOI collection (as of August 04, 2021) on their website. GR’s webpages can be translated into 51 different languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of the home page:
Anyone is welcome to post these documents on other sites. Please do!
We only ask that you also cite this particular webpage because this is where we add of all the new FOIs that we obtain. It’s important that people know where they can find the most up-to-date and complete collection.
And if you obtain or come across new responses that are not in our collection, please forward them so that we can add them to the collection!
Here is a tiny URL that re-directs to this webpage:
A friend gathered all my audio/video interviews
and a mirror of this website (a work in progress) here:
FOI responses from institutions in the U.S., India, Republic of South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, U.K., England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, European CDC, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Colombia, Uruguay, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Republic of Colombia, Argentina, Ilse of Man, Phillipines, etc., plus emails from Germany’s Robert Koch Institut (RKI) and several “virus isolation authors”.
A big Thank You to all the individuals who have now kindly shared additional responses that they obtained re isolation/purification/existence of “SARS-COV-2”. Some prefer to remain anonymous, others are named below.
[Before we begin, FYI: we also have a collection of responses from the U.S. CDC, Public Health Agency of Canada, New Zealand Ministry of Health, etc. in regards to isolation/purification of a number of other alleged “viruses”, i.e. “HIV”, “measles virus”, “polio virus”, “HPV”, “Ebola virus”, “Zika virus”, “XMRV”, “HTLV1”, “HTLV-III/LAV”, 2003 “SARS-COV”, “MERS virus”, any common cold “coronavirus”, “Marburg virus” any “virus” on their “immunization” schedules. Again, none have yielded any records or citations of records describing the isolation/purification of any “virus” from a patient sample. Click here to see those responses:
And click here to see our new page of responses to FOI requests asking for records proving that bacteria are actually the CAUSE of certain diseases (no one has any such records for TB so far!):]
Ok, here we go. Below are >100 SARS-COV-2 FOI responses from outside of Canada.
As this next link you will see a “no records of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification” FOI response from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR), dated November 2, 2020:

On March 1, 2021 once again the CDC made clear to my colleague in NZ that they still have no records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever… just not in so many words. Instead, the CDC absurdly implied that isolation of “SARS-COV-2” would require the replication of a “virus” without host cells and thus is impossible.

March 3, 2021: CDC again failed to provide/cite any records describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification by anyone anywhere ever… BUT would no longer simply say so (as they did back on November 2nd); instead they gave my colleague in NZ some song and dance and cited their own fraudulent study (by Harcourt et al.):

June 7, 2021: CDC admitted they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from a patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever:
September 1, 2021:
Yet another FOIA response from the CDC where they failed to provide or cite even 1 record of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2”, or any “variants” having been purified from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, ever:

September 8, 2021: Another FOIA response from the CDC re purification of the phantom “SARS-COV-2”. This time, CDC cited a paper wherein the authors never even claimed to have purified any “virus” themselves, and instead falsely stated that: “SARS-CoV-2 was isolated in Vero cells … (8)” [oxymoron]. [CDC’s reference #8 is the infamous Harcourt et al. study.]

October 26, 2021:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention once again failed to provide or cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere on the planet:

April 1, 2022:
Here is the 8th FOIA response (that I know of) to a request directed to the CDC where the responder failed to provide or cite even 1 record of the alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or any alleged “variant”) having been purified from the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of any patient on the planet, by anyone, anywhere. Instead the CDC bizarrely and inaccurately stated that the request was “improper”. Full letter:

[Note that someone kindly forwarded another FOI response from the CDC dated December 30, 2020 re the alleged 2003 “SARS-COV-1” and all “common cold coronaviruses” – the CDC has no record of any having been isolated. Here is a temporary pdf of the redacted letter…. a better pdf one will follow:
December 10, 2021:
U.S. Department of Labor / Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) admitted they have no record describing purification of any “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”, including any alleged “variants”) from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, ever:

September 3, 2021: Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) / National Institutes of Health, in response to a request for records that demonstrate that NIAID or NIH has a physical sample of purified “SARS-CoV-2”:
– conflates isolation/purification with growth of the imaginary virus in cell culture,
– provides irrelevant, distracting comments re Koch’s Postulates,
– cites useless, irrelevant studies and webpages, and fabricated computer “genomes”, and
-confirms that virology isn’t a science.

March 11, 2022:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services confirms that Vivek Murthy, the man who acts as “Surgeon General”, has no record describing anyone on Earth finding and purifying the alleged “SARS-COV-2” (the alleged “COVID-19 virus”), or any alleged variant thereof, from the bodily fluids of any diseased human.

August 19, 2021:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services cited useless, irrelevant studies and webpages, and fabricated computer “genomes” in response to an FOIA request for “Records that demonstrates the US Department of Health and Human Services has a physical sample of the isolated and purified SARS-CoV-2 virus…”

June 24, 2021 FOIA response:
Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) failed to provide/cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from a patient sample by anyone, anywhere.
NIAID referred me to the anti-science CDC study by Harcourt et al., even after I’d advised them of CDC’s June 7, 2021 ‘no records’ response. I have appealed to NIAID’s FOIA Public Liaison.
The communications between myself and NIAID are provided here:

The CDC study cited by NIAID did not purify anything from a patient sample. It is the same study that Dr. Thomas Cowan wrote about in 2020 (“Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’“) where he also addressed the fraudulent nature of the authors’ fabricated “SARS-COV-2 genome” (as shown in the screenshot below).

Previously, in 2020, Ron Bublitz had already asked the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH) the question shown below. His correspondence is posted at the following link, along with the evasive response provided by the NIH/NIAID Section Chief for Controlled Correspondence and Public Inquiries, Legislative Affairs and Correspondence Management Branch. Pdf showing the text and a photo of the actual emails:

Ron kindly provided a screenshot of his communications with NIAID, shown below.

Note that NIH/NIAID failed to answer any of Ron Bublitz’s questions and merely cited the same CDC study by Harcourt et al. mentioned above that indulged in the typical fraudulent “monkey business” approach to so-called “isolation” – as shown in the screenshot below).

June 10, 2022:Julia Spiegel, woman who acts as Deputy Legal Affairs Secretary under Gavin Newsom, the man who acts in California’s Office of the Governor, confessed to Kristen Welch that they have no record describing any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or “variant”) being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified… by anyone, anywhere, ever… in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka “science”):

January 27, 2022:
Washington State Department of Health provided “installment #1” of records allegedly-but-not-really responsive to a FOI for studies in which alleged “SARS-COV-2” was found in the bodily fluid/tissue of sick people and purified.
“Installment #1” is sci-fi comedy having nothing whatsoever to do with purification or a virus, titled “SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing and Variants in Washington State”.
It begins: “Next generation sequencing is a set of laboratory methods that scientists use to scan a viral genome to determine the genome sequence of a virus.”
Watch out for the sequel due July 25, 2022!
The department also confessed that its lab: “has not attempted to isolate SARS-CoV-2 from any specimen or matrix. Nor does the PHL have in its possession isolated viable SARS-CoV-2 virus. The WAPHL performs diagnostic testing that is PCR based… Next generation sequencing is performed on SARS-CoV-2 positive patient samples using extracted genomic material, not virus isolates.”

March 11, 2022:
University of Illinois confirmed for Natalia Litbarg, MD that: the university’s records custodians who, due to the nature of their work might have had records describing someone on Earth finding the alleged “SARS-COV-2” in the bodily fluids of a diseased host and purifying “it”, could not identify any such records:

May 18, 2022:
Jorge Perez, the man who acts as Deputy Health Officer, Public Health Investigation, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, confessed to Kristen Welch that there are no records of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone and purified… by anyone, anywhere, ever… but apparently he is OK with the fact that virologists have no independent variable to use in any “virus” experiment and he thinks that “the county” has the “right” to terrorize people with their “doctrine”:

April 13, 2022:
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Health confirmed for Chetawayo La Borde that “COVID-19 has not been isolated and purified“:

November 2021: Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)
January 2022: Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI)
Both failed to provide or cite, for the man inquiring, even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” being found in the bodily fluids of any sick human and purified (which would be necessary so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments to determine if “it” actually exists):

March 16, 2022:
Larry Stinson, who acts as Director of Operations for the so-called “non-profit” Peterborough Public Health (PPH), confirmed that PPH and Thomas Piggott, the man who acts as Medical Officer of Health, have no record describing anyone on Earth finding and purifying any alleged SARS, H5N1, H1N1, MERS, Ebola, or SARS-COV-2 “virus” from the bodily fluids of any diseased human, ever… or any study that in Thomas’ opinion proves the existence of any of those alleged viruses… despite Thomas’ claim of having lived through all these alleged outbreaks:

August 25, 2021:
Peterborough Public Health and (outgoing) Medical Officer Dr. Rosana Salvaterra confirm they have no records describing purification of the alleged “SARS-COV-2”, “HIV” aka “human immunodeficiency virus”, “Hep B virus” or “Hep C virus” from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere. Which means they have zero proof of their existence.
January 3, 2022:
Sarah B. Kotler, J.D. (a lawyer), Director, Division of Freedom of Information, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refused to formally respond to my FOIA request delivered to her via email… but also indicated that the FDA has no record describing purification of “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample on Earth, by anyone, anywhere, ever. She also failed to answer my question re what she will do with the knowledge that no one on the planet has any proof of “the virus”, despite being a “public servant” working for an agency that has been rubber-stamping all manner of “COVID-19” devices, injections, etc. She also called me “rude”, meanwhile she appears quite content to go along with worldwide fraud and violations of the Nuremberg Code:

January 2022:
Romania’s Ministry of Health / Institute of Public Health Bucharest and National Center for Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases failed to provide/cite any record of the alleged “SARS-COV-2” having been found in the bodily fluids of any patient on Earth and purified, so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments… and thus shown to exist:

January 2022:
Taiwan’s CDC confirmed for Michael S. in NZ that they have not purified the alleged “SARS-COV-2” from any patient specimen or “virus” culture, and have relied exclusively on meaningless, fraudulent PCR tests for detecting the imaginary virus:

April 22, 2022:
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene confirmed that they have no record describing the purification of any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (including any alleged “variants”) from a sample taken from a diseased human, by anyone, anywhere, ever:

March 4, 2022:
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene suddenly denied a FOIL request from Louis Stephen that had included the following:
“The information I am requesting is: 1) Proof of isolation or an isolate of the SARS-COV-2 virus”,
with this explanation:
“your request does not reasonably describe the records you are requesting“:

March 21, 2022:
New York City Department of Health and Hospitals says “Our research department conducted a diligent search for all the prospective COVID protocols for purification methods/description of SARS-Cov2 and couldn’t find any responsive records to your FOIL request. The facility research teams at Health + Hospitals have confirmed that they did not perform any purification methods of the virus. Also, please note that H+H does not do research lab benchwork.” See page 3:

March 30, 2022:
New York City’s Office of the Mayor: In response to a request for records describing isolation/purification of the alleged “SARS-COV-2” from a sample taken from a diseased human, the Mayor’s office disclosed that:
“After conducting a search, the Mayor’s Office has not found any records responsive to your request“:

October 23, 2021:
The Assistant General Counsel at Clemson University, South Carolina confirmed for the requester that the University does not have any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, despite their Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences recently receiving $900,000 to study the alleged “virus”:

October 15, 2021:
Illinois’s Office of the Governor confirmed that they located no studies describing isolation and analysis of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2”:

September 24, 2021:
Wisconsin Governor and Department of Health Services confirmed for Charles R. Haeuser that they have no record regarding isolation/purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” (or regarding safety and/or approval of so-called “vaccines”). (The DHS did provide attachments regarding Wisconsin’s “COVID-19 Community Outreach Grant”; click here to see or download them.)

September 29, 2021:
Metro Public Health Department, Nashville, Tennessee advised that “No such record(s) exists, or this office does not maintain record(s) responsive to” a request from Irucka Embry re purification of the alleged “SARS-COV-2” or the complete matching of “virus genomic sequences” from victims of the alleged virus in Metro Nashville and Wuhan, China.

August 18, 2021:
Arizona Department of Health Services confirmed for Timothy Martin that they have no record describing isolation/purification of any “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample on the planet, and confuse such with private/protected/identifiable healthcare data:

February 4, 2022:
Florida Department of Health finally admitted to Beatrice Scova that they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification:

June 13, 2022:
Rosemary Hewig acting as “Esq., Records Access Officer”, New York State Department of Health reassured Louis that that they are still diligently searching for records proving the existence of “SARS-COV-2” and will only need until August 17, 2022 to respond to his FOI dated January 4, 2022:
Rosemary seems to have forgotten her earlier responses to my friend Bill Huston and I wherein she confessed that the people running NYS DoH have no record indicating that “SARS-COV-2” has ever been isolated, below.

December 9, 2021:
10 short months is all it took for the New York State Department of Health to provide William Huston with a meaningless list of imaginary “SARS-COV-2” variants in response to his request for records indicating that “the virus” has been isolated. And, on February 25, 2022, they finally concluded their “diligent search” for records responsive to my purification request dated November 5, 2021, and confirmed that they found no records:

September 30, 2021: New York State Department of Health advised William Huston that they have zero records indicating that the alleged “SARS-CoV-2” is the cause of “COVID-19.”

May 25, 2022:
Rector Prof. Dr. Piotr Ponikowski from University of Wroclaw, Poland, Medical Department confirmed that the university has no record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being isolated, period.

May 10, 2022:
Belgium’s Sciensano (Belgian institute for health) coordinates a Risk Assessment Group “in charge of assessing risks to public health in a national and international context“, validates procedures in the context of “COVID-19” and “has a legally determined surveillance task in the context of public health” (p3 here). So naturally Sciensano confirmed for Max De Cleyn that they have never found and purified the alleged virus from the bodily fluid/tissue of any patient and do not know who might have:

March 31, 2021:
Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases responded that “the researchers did genetic analysis and antigen analysis” when asked by an anonymous colleague “how did you isolate the virus?” lol:

Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases
This is what I’m told about the 2 letters shown below:
“The first photo… is from this tweet (the requester’s own account):
National Institute of Infectious Diseases says that they have no documents for the scientific evidence, papers, etc. about the existence of SARS-CoV-2.
The 2nd one is from this tweet (left):
Here National Institute of Infectious Diseases says that they have no documents for the scientific evidence, papers, etc. about the existence of SARS-CoV-2, physical samples, and the records of viral isolation.
(The photo right side is the request about influenza virus.
They have no documents, physical samples, either.)
For your information, this is the paper of the “SARS-CoV-2 viral isolation” by National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan. Here they introduce the new type of Vero cells they have newly developed…“
Here is a pdf containing all 3 letters:

March 18, 2022: In response to a request for records describing isolation/purification of the alleged “SARS-COV-2” from a sample taken from a sick patient, Finland’s Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) stated the following: “the term ‘isolate’ has been used in a different sense in the request for information than is well established in science and that ‘isolating’ any virus within the meaning of the request for information is not at all possible“.

September 22 2021:
Finland’s Institute for Health and Welfare responded to a request for evidence that the alleged “SARS-COV-2” had been purified and shown to cause “COVID-19” symptoms in humans, with a paper about cytopathic effects in starved and poisoned monkey cells. The requester subsequently notified the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity of research misconduct, but the Board insisted that a preliminary investigation would be inappropriate. Because science.

September 17, 2021: Lithuania’s National Public Health Care Laboratory provided Arturas Bartasius with useless PCR documents and confirmed that “isolation of SARS-CoV-2 virus in cell cultures [oxymoron!], electron microscopy and virus purification (filtration, ultracentrifugation, chromatography) NVSPL is not performed“.

I think/hope this pdf contains details of an FOI response from the Republic of Bulgaria‘s “health minister” (extracted from this website: indicating they have no records of “SARS-COV-2” having been purified from any patient sample in Bulgaria(“I inform you that the Ministry of Health does not have the information requested by you and there is no data on its location“), and that diagnosis has been based on meaningless PCR and antigenic tests:

2021 (Jan. 9 or Sept. 1, I’m not sure which): Serbia’s Ministry of Health told the ASSOCIATION OF “PARENTS OF MISSING BABIES OF SERBIA” that they have no records re isolation of the alleged/imaginary COVID-19 virus, or any of the other requested info. English translation and signed affidavit included:

May & August 2021: Oregon Health & Science University failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing purification of the alleged COVID-19 virus (aka “SARS-COV-2”) from any patient sample, by anyone on the planet, for the requester.

June 21, 2021.
Via Dr. Fabio Franchi, author of “COVID-19. The catastrophe caused by the virus that is not there“, Dr. Maria Rosaria Capobianchi, Director of Virology, Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive Lazzaro Spallanzani (National Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani), Italy failed to provide or cite even 1 record re purification of the alleged COVID-19 virus aka “SARS-COV-2”.
FOI response and Dr. Franchi’s reply (including attachments) is here, with English translations:

October 29, 2021?
Italy’s Ministry of Health failed to provide or cite any study or report (evidence) (or webpage citing such) re the isolation/purification of the alleged Sars-Cov-2 virus or any alleged variant, for the requester:

August 31, 2021: The Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, Department of Health, Phillipines. Article and FOI response: CCH FOI Bombshell: DOH Admits No Evidence SARS-CoV-2 Isolated. Yet Government Locked Down Nation Due to Virus No Country Has Yet Proven to Exist.
FOI response backed up here:

August 2021: Massachusetts Department of Health Reports “No Responsive Documents” to FOIA Request for Information on Purified Isolate of Professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus & Delta Variant Forming Basis for all State COVID Restrictions — by Ramola Dharmaraj:
The Massachusetts responses in the above article are also backed-up at the following links:
August 11, 2021
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of the Governor told Ramola Dharmaraj “we have no records” re isolation of (the alleged) SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 virus:
August 25, 2021
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Health: “The Department has no responsive records to your request.”

September 2, 2021: The Commonwealth of Virginia Department of General Services provided allegedly responsive records that contained zero descriptions of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere. The allegedly (but not really) responsive records are 1): the CDC’s 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, and 2) ThermoFisher TaqPath™ COVID-19 Combo Kit Procedure for the Detection of 2019-nCoV RNA by RTPCR.

September 1, 2021: The Pennsylvania Department of Health confirmed they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere:

August 30, 2021: Montgomery County, Pennsylvania confirms they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, or any proof of “its” existence:

August 13, 2021: The General Counsel and FOI Officer for the Washington DC Department of Health confirmed for the requester that the Department has no record describing the purification of any “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”, including any alleged “variants” i.e. “B.1.1.7”, “B.1.351”, “P.1”) directly from a patient sample. Full communication:

August 2021: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services confirmed for Andrew Nihem that they have no record describing purification of “the virus” (including any alleged “variants”) from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere.

August 18, 2021: California’s Department of Public Health confirmed for Kim Leonoudakis that they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” (including any “variants”) having been purified from any patient sample on the planet and no analysis whatsoever re the alleged “Delta variant”:
May 20, 2022:
California Department of Public Health admitted to Kristen Welch that they have no record of any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or scariant) having been found in and purified from the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of any diseased human on the planet (in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments) by anyone, anywhere, ever.

August 24, 2021:
California’s Department of Public Health confirmed for Robin that they have no record of “the virus” (including any “variants”) having been purified from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere.

August 9, 2021: The Arkansas Department of Health‘s Deputy General Counsel advised Dr. James W. Smith that the Department has no record describing the purification of any “SARS-COV-2” (including any scariants) from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, ever, via filtration and ultra-centrifugation. He did however provide 2 emails re “looking for COVID 19 in wastewater” – lol. Dr. Smith will be following up to request that the response be provided in a formal, signed and dated letter with a file number. Full correspondence:

After a series of Freedom of Information requests beginning in April 2020 failed to yield any satisfactory response, Ricardo Maarman (working alongside Dr. Faiez Kirsten) challenged the South African government in the Western Cape High Court in May 2021 to provide proof of “the virus” that allegedly justifies that government’s devastating lockdown measures.
(More specifically, Ricardo challenged the President, the National Department of Health, the Governmental COVID-19 Advisory Committee and the Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs. And the responding affidavit was authored primarily by the Acting Executive Director of South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases.)
The government failed to provide proof or even compelling evidence, and on pages 29+ of their responding affidavit (starting on page 31 of the pdf) revealed that they have relied on a “well established” but unscientific approach to “virus isolation”.

The SA government’s affidavit artfully implies that Koch’s Postulates (or a variation therefore) have been fulfilled for the alleged “virus” when in fact none of them have been. It contains no mention of purification of the particles that have been shown in EM images (within cell cultures, never purified or in patient samples!) alleged to be “the virus”, or the characterization or sequencing of purified particles, or any controlled experiment involving purified particles.
And the SA government’s discussion of the Bradford-Hill criteria glosses over the fact that these criteria presuppose the existence and valid measurement of the potentially causative factor under investigation, when the reality is that no test ever has been or could have been validated for the never-purified, never-characterized, never-sequenced particles alleged to be “the virus”.
The judge ruled that the matter is not urgent and struck the matter from her roll. Ricardo will be pursuing this further. The notice of motion, hearing transcript, court ruling, other documentation and interviews about this case are posted on a dedicated website:

A Lisbon court document dated May 19, 2021 is posted on the website of Andre Dias, PhD (as reported by Celia Farber at “The Truth Barrier,”
The court document’s URL is (and we have backed it up at
According to Ms. Farber’s published June 28, 2021 email interview with Dias, who is an expert in lung disease modeling, the court ruling is in regards to a citizen’s petition to the Ministry of Health, “equivalent to a Freedom of Information Request…that ended up in court – with epidemiological and statistical queries“, and “the court also formalized that the ministry has no data or references about the existence of the virus…”
Ms. Farber advises that an English translation of the court ruling is in the works and will be shared on her website once it’s prepared. Below is a screenshot from the original document showing some of the questions that had been posed to Portugal’s Ministry of Health, for which they apparently had no answers.

July 2021: Brazil’s Ministry of Health provided/cited zero records of “SARS-COV-2” purification for the FOI submitter, Marcella Picone. The Ministry initially claimed that the request (that the rest of world understood just fine) was unclear, but also admitted “information non-existent”. In their 2nd response to Ms. Picone they explained that they have been following research conducted by other countries. See ps 2, 13, 14. Full responses:
The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) is an FDA-like quackcine-approver. In their FOI response to Marcella Picone, they explained that they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification and are not required to by law, thus it is (in their minds) not their obligation to make sure that “the virus” actually exists. Full communication:

At the next link (from the website of award-winning investigate journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and co-author of the book Virus Mania) is an email from Dr. Michael Laue, Head of the Consultant Laboratory for Diagnostic Electron Microscopy of Infectious Pathogens at Germany’s Robert Koch Institut (RKI), an institute “within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health” and responsible for disease control and prevention:

The link for the Turonova et al. abstract, provided by Dr. Laue in the email above, is here; the full text of the paper is here: In situ structural analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike reveals flexibility mediated by three hinges)
The starting point for this paper is a so-called SARS-COV-2 isolate named “MUC-IMB1” (referred to simply as “MUC-1” in the paper’s supporting materials). Turonova et al. credit G. Dobler of the Bundeswehr Institute for Microbiology for providing them this “isolate”.
I contacted Dr. Gerhard Dobler to confirm details about “MUC-1” (which goes by several different names including Germany/BavPat1/2020), and it turns out that MUC-1 is another result of the monkey-business methodology cited at the top of this page. (The emails and more details are posted here: MUC-1 aka MUC-IMB1: just more Corman/Drosten monkey business fraud.) MUC-1 is not isolated/purified “virus” nor was it ever shown to contain any “virus”.
Also on Torsten Engelbrecht’s website are links to email responses from authors of “SARS-COV-2” studies, starting with the Zhu et al paper cited above by Dr. Michael Laue. None provided any evidence or assurance re purification of “the virus”. The following is copied and pasted from Torsten’s homepage:
“Na Zhu et al. (NEJM): “[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones” (see Email).
Leo L. M. Poon; Malik Peiris (Nature Medicine): “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus” (see Email).
Sharon R. Lewin et al. (The Medical Journal of Australia): ““The nucleic acid extraction was performed on isolate material recovered from infected cells. This material was not centrifuged, so was not purified through sucrose gradient to have a density band as such. The EM images were obtained directly from cell culture material” (see Email).
Myung-Guk Han et al. (Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives): “We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells” (see Email).
Wan Beom Park et al. (Journal of Korean Medical Science): “We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification” (see Email).”
January 13, 2021: Norway’s Ministry of Health and Care Services failed to provide or cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation from a sample from a symptomatic patient, where the sample was not adulterated with additional genetic material, by anyone anywhere, for the requester Martiens Bekker. Request and response with English translation:

April 25, 2021: the Norwegian Directorate of Health (which is under the Ministry of Health and Care Services) failed to provide or cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, and provided a silly excuse instead:

May, 2021 Uruguay’s Clemente Stable Biological Research Institute (under the Ministry of Education and Culture) and the Faculty of Chemistry, University of the Republic provided/cited no records of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone anywhere, for requester María Bettina Galo. Both responses:

June 7 2021: Uruguay Ministry of Public Health failed to provide or cite for requester María Bettina Galo any record of “SARS-COV-2” purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, ever and claimed they can’t understand the request:

Once again, Uruguay Ministry of Public Health was queried by María Bettina Galo re “SARS-COV-2” purification. The answer: “We are not aware that SARS COV 2 has been cultivated“… even though Bettina hadn’t asked about “cultivation”, which is the opposite of purifying anything.
See page 20:

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March 30, 2021: Oregon Health Authority confirmed they have no record re purification of any “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample in the world: See the full wording of the request, and response:

May 22, 2021: Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Republic of Colombia admits they have no record re purification of “SARS-COV-2” from a patient sample, by anyone anywhere. Full letter:

January 31, 2022:
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR, “the apex body in India for formulation, coordination & promotion of biomedical research”) confirmed for the requester that they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” being found in the bodily fluids of any sick human and purified (which would be necessary so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments to determine if “it” actually exists):

February 14, 2022:
ICMR confirmed for another requester that they have no physical sample of purified “SARS-COV-2”:

December 7, 2021:
“There is no methodology to purify the SARS-COV-2 directly from the clinical specimens of patients until the virus is isolated using in vitro or in vivo methods”, said no coherent man or woman ever. Nevertheless, this is the latest response from Indian Council of Medical Research (“the apex body in India for formulation, coordination & promotion of biomedical research”) to a request for records of purification.
And, “considering the biosecurity aspects, the records of the clinical specimens, isolates of SARS-COV-2 in the possession, custody or control of ICMR-National Institute of Virology – Pune cannot be shared publicly.” Mkaay.

May 3, 2021: Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR, “the apex body in India for formulation, coordination & promotion of biomedical research”) has failed to provide/cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification for the requester (who asked to keep both their name and file # private); instead they cited a typical example of “monkey-business” fraud – exactly what the requester had asked not to receive.
Note that ICRM has fraudulently claimed to have isolated “the virus” and the imaginary UK scariant, to have been tracking “the virus” across India, has developed a COVID-19 quackcine, shares ownership rights on the quackcine and is a member of guess WHO’s Global Health Workforce Network.
The 1 record cited by ICMR is a correspondence entitled “First isolation of SARS-CoV-2 from clinical samples in India” published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research which is a journal published for the ICRM. According to the correspondence “The designated COVID-19 testing laboratories …referred the specimens …to the Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology (ICMR-NIV), Pune, after screening for envelope (E) gene by realtime RT-PCR was done.” Three of of co-the authors are affiliated with ICRM.
ICMR’s full response:

Yash, the requester for the above FOI to ICMR, then appealed the ICMR’s response, pointing out that the study cited by ICMR was exactly what he had specified he was not requesting (because it has nothing to do with isolating/purifying an alleged “virus”).
The July 12, 2021 response to his appeal: “The reply provided to the applicant is in order and satisfactory.”
Yash’s appeal and response:

June 28, 2021, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) once again fails to provide/cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification and cites more “monkey-business” fraud, this time through their National Institute of Virology. Note the World Health Organization logo and reference in the footer of the letter. Here is the URL for the image:

Next is a 2nd FOI response of June 28 2021 from the Indian Council of Medical Research failing again to provide/cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification and citing the same anti-science papers, this time in response to requester Trinayan Das. ICMR was also asked additional questions re PCR, and responded that it is the “gold standard” for detection (“very accurately”! “confirms the presence”!!). Full response:

April / June 2021:
India’s Council of Medical Research twice failed to provide or cite any record proving contagion of “COVID-19” or causation by “the virus”, for the requester:

August / September 2021:
India’s Council of Medical Research (ICMR, “the apex body in India for formulation, coordination & promotion of biomedical research”) twice failed to provide or cite any record of “Delta variant” purification for the requester:

September 14, 2021:
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR, v. v. i. (Prague) advised that they have never purified the alleged COVID-19 virus from any patient sample, but convinced themselves they had a sample of “it” by fabricating a “genome” from RNA sequences found in their monkey cell culture.

I personally cannot read these Czech documents, but was told:
Univerzita Karlova: “This from the No.1 university in Czech R. As answer, they inform us, that “there is broad consensus in the international scientific community” about precise RNA sequence of SARS-Cov2, about its chemical and protein structure and it causing COVID19.”
Thus Univerzita Karlova failed to provide any record proving the purification or existence of “the virus”:

Czech Ministry of Health: “This is the response of Czech ministry of health. When a proof of existence of the SARS-Cov2 virus was requested…”
The references cited by the Ministry are in English and do not describe purification of an alleged virus, let alone scientific study of such. Full letter:

I personally cannot read this next document from the Ukraine’s Ministry of Health dated March 15, 2021, but am told that the Ministry stated here that they do not have any “SARS-COV-2” isolate, nor do they intend to obtain any.

August 24, 2021: Sweden’s Public Health Authority also can’t find “the virus”. John Blaid submitted a formal FOI request to for records describing purification of “the virus” from any patient sample (not adulterated with genetic material, i.e. monkey cells, fetal bovine serum) on the planet, by anyone, anywhere. The response: “No, no such documents exist.” Full correspondence:

October 18, 2021: Sweden’s Karolinska Institute was unable to provide or cite any record of SARS-CoV-2 isolation/purification for John Blaid. According to John: “This is the answer they gave me translated from Swedish:
“Hello John!
The registrar and the communications department at Karolinska Institute have now replied that they do not have access to this information.At present, the university library does not have the opportunity to perform search assignments for external customers. One suggestion is to do a search in the freely available database PubMed. If you have the opportunity to visit us, you can also use other databases.
PubMed contains the MeSH term SARS-CoV-2 / isolation and purification, which currently provides 5251 references.””
Karolinska Institute’s response:

The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (the Netherlands) provided/cited for the requester no records of actual purification and control experiments to show “SARS-CoV-2” exists:
April 26, 2021: Once again the Dutch Minister for Health, Well-being & Sport (the Netherlands) replied to an FOI sent to its agency RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) re purification of “the virus”; the Minister provided/cited zero such records for Gabriëlle Rutten, and cited cell culture anti-science instead. Full correspondence:

March 15, 2022:
The Dutch Minister for Health, Well-being & Sport (Netherlands) responded to a request for “reliable evidence that SARS-CoV-2 (or any other so-called virus) has been isolated from an “unadulterated sample from a sick patient” (or a sick animal) and that that so-called virus can be transmitted to another person (or animal) and then cause the same so-called disease there” with 2 nonresponsive studies that describe the fabrication of “genomes” never shown to correspond to anything in the physical realm, and “isolation” in cell culture (oxymoron).

January 19, 2022:
Department of Health and Social Care, Isle of Man (British Isles) confirmed for Courtenay Adam-Lawrence that they have no record of the following for either the alleged “Omicron” or “Kent Strain” of the imaginary “SARS-COV-2”:
– unique whole genome sequence
– test procedures
– isolation/purification
– contagion
– confirmation that “it’ is not simply an in-silico computer made-up model of a strain of a virus:

Feb 18, 2021: The Isle of Man’s Department of Health and Social Care admitted in a FOI response to Mr. Steven Gardner that:
– “the virus” is not isolated/purified;
– 45 PCR cycles!
and gave false info re sequences used in PCR “tests”. Full unredacted pdf:

April 8, 2022:
New Zealand’s Serious Fraud Office (that rejected a complaint re the convid fraud) admitted to Michael S. that they have no record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being found in and purified from any disease human on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, ever:

January 28, 2022:
New Zealand’s Security Intelligence Service confirmed they have no record of anyone on the planet ever having found the alleged “SARS-COV-2” in the fluids taken from any diseased human, so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments… to see if “it” actually exists as claimed:

January 28, 2022:
New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau admitted they have no record of anyone on the planet ever having found the alleged “SARS-COV-2” in the fluids taken from any diseased human, so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments… to see if “it” actually exists as claimed:

January 25, 2022:
New Zealand’s Ministry of Justice admitted they have no record of anyone on the planet ever having found the alleged “SARS-COV-2” in the fluids taken from any diseased human, so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments… to see if “it” actually exists as claimed:

December 13, 2021:
New Zealand Defence Force confirmed for Michael S. in NZ that they have no record describing purification of “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, ever:

November 19, 2021:
Tauranga City Council, New Zealand advised the requester that they have no record describing purification of any “SARS-COV-2” or “variants” from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere… …however they do take 24 hour wastewater composite samples, send them to ESR for meaningless “analysis” and “tests” (that have no gold standard and thus are impossible to validate) which are then forwarded to the Ministry of Health. Because science. Pdf:

August 23, 2021:
Once again New Zealand‘s Ministry of Health confirmed for my colleague in NZ that neither they nor New Zealand’s crown research institute, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), have any record of the phantom “SARS-COV-2” (including any “variants”) purified from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere.

August 26, 2021:
Once again New Zealand‘s crown research institute, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), confirms they have no record of the phantom “SARS-COV-2” (including any “variants”) purified from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere:

New Zealand’s Ministry of Health and NZ’s crown research institute, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research admitted they have no records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation:
Here are 5 pages of pure gold, evidencing masterful evasion plus stunning incompetence and/or fraud from New Zealand’s Ministry of Health. Instead of providing the requests records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification and proof of accurate diagnostic tests, they blathered about genomes and cultures of the never-isolated imaginary virus; stated that PCR tests have been validated around the world and are the gold standard; and cited a February 2020 preliminary report (“The Pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 in hACE2 Transgenic Mice”) that used the so-called “SARS-COV-2” strain that had been concocted by Zhu et al. and claimed that Koch’s Postulates had been fulfilled.

No records describing isolation of SARS-COV-2 from a sample not already adulterated with other genetic material, admits New Zealand’s Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet:
March 22, 2021, New Zealand’s Ministry of Heath confirms they still have no record describing purification of “the virus” and hence zero proof of its existence, and they choose to cite fraudulent studies instead (the infamous Harcourt et al. study mentioned above and the Australian paper cited at the top of this page). Full pdf response:

April 19, 2021, responding to a request that had been forwarded to them by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern‘s Office, the New Zealand Ministry of Heath confirms that no record describing purification of “SARS-COV-2” is held by the Ministry or by any “agency subject to the Act”. Full pdf response:
April 23, 2021 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern‘s Office, New Zealand, again confirms they have no record describing purification of “SARS-COV-2” by anyone, anywhere, ever. Full pdf response:
(this is a bit off topic but relevant)
June 22, 2022:
Kelsey Kennard acting in the Office of the Registrar at New Zealand’s University of Otago confessed to Michael S. that the paper titled “Characterization of the First SARS-CoV-2 Isolates from Aotearoa New Zealand as Part of a Rapid Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic” by “virologist” Miguel Quiñones-Mateu is merely a descriptive paper with no hypothesis and nothing to prove or disprove… in other words Miguel employed no scientific method and his paper cannot accurately be called “science”.
October 2020 / updated March 2022:
New Zealand’s University of Auckland was disappointingly non-cooperative, opting for a sketchy “refusal” of my colleague’s request. Let’s face it, if the University actually had any such records (that no one else on the planet appears have) and they are publicly available, the University of Auckland would have proudly provided links/citations. But they didn’t.
New Zealand’s University of Otago, where Professor Miguel Quiñones-Mateu, Ph.D. claimed months ago to have “isolated the virus”, responded that they too have “no records” describing isolation of SARS-COV-2 from a sample not already adulterated with other genetic material:
March 30, 2021 New Zealand’s University of Otago confirm they still have no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification, by anyone anywhere. Full response pdf here:

September 22, 2021:
New Zealand’s University of Otago, where researchers claimed last year ago to have “isolated the virus”, confirmed once again they actually have no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification, by anyone, anywhere:
October 13, 2021:
New Zealand’s University of Waikato confirmed for the requester that they have no record describing purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” (or “variants”) from any patient sample on the planet:

November 9, 2021
New Zealand Police confirmed for the requester that they have no record (evidence) describing isolation/purification of the alleged Sars-Cov-2 virus or any alleged variant:

March 9, 2021: New Zealand’s Institute of Environmental Science and Research admits that they still have no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification (performed by anyone on the planet, anywhere, ever):
One of New Zealand’s Associate Ministers of Health Jenny Salesa has “no records”:

Another of New Zealand’s Associate Ministers of Health Julie Anne Genter has “no records”:
And another of New Zealand’s Associate Ministers of Health Peeni Henare has “no records”:
Same, “no records” says Bay of Plenty District Health Board, Tauranga Hospital, New Zealand:
April 29, 2022:
New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs requires fake “covid vaccination” of its visitors, but confirmed for Michael S. that they have no record of the alleged “SARS-COV-2″ being found in and purified from any diseased human on the planet by anyone, ever, and thus have no idea whether the alleged virus actually exists:
May 3, 2022:
New Zealand’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Women and Ass. Minister of Education, Jan Tinetti, confirmed for Michael S. that she has no record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being found in and purified from any diseased human on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, ever:

October 5, 2021: University of New South Wales, Australia advised that they still have no record of any “COVID-19 virus/variant” having been purified from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere:

June 16, 2021: University of Western Australia – home of Gates-funded researcher Christine Carson, who has spent countless hours on social media this past year insisting “yes the COVID-19 virus has been isolated” – provided/cited zero records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification from a patient sample, by anyone anywhere ever:

At this next link you will find multiple “no records” FOI responses from Australia’s Department of Health, as recent as October 2021:

Same admission from Australia’s Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (which had publicly claimed to have “isolated the virus”).
Same admission from Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO (“Australia’s national science research agency”), which is involved in “COVID-19” vaccine trials using the so-called “SARS-COV-2 isolate” from Doherty Institute:

March 22, 2021, Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation still has no record of any “SARS-COV-2” purified from a patient, by anyone, anywhere:
September 27, 2021:
Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO (“Australia’s national science research agency”), which is involved in “COVID-19” vaccine trials using the so-called “SARS-COV-2 isolate” from Doherty Institute, confirmed that they still have no record of “SARS-COV-2” (including “variants”) purification, by anyone, anywhere:

(January 27, 2022:
Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO (“Australia’s national science research agency”) have also confirmed they have no record containing details of any “controls” used in anti-science, so-called “virus isolation” cell culture procedures or “whole genome sequencing” procedures:
The next FOI letter shown in the screenshot below is in response to a request that was submitted on the advice of Australia’s Department of Health, and has come to us via John Blaid. Addressed to Mary-Jane Liddicoat, the formal but undated letter was authored sometime after March 9, 2021 by Dr. Nick Coatsworth, Executive Director of Medical Services, Canberra Health Services (CHS), ACT Government (Government of the Australian Capital Territory).
[When reviewing Coatsworth’s response, bear in mind the following facts provided us by Darren Christison, a journalist in Sydney, Australia: “This is the same Dr Nick Coatsworth who is the ‘poster boy’ for the Australian government’s push to vaccinate everyone until they urinate the poison, and has been a permanent fixture on TV and online in recent months ( He’s also the same Dr Nick Coatsworth who recently, according to The Sydney Morning Herald, ‘admonished a “hardcore rump of activist doctors” spreading misinformation and undermining vaccine confidence” (]
Coatsworth admitted that Canberra Health Services holds no records relevant to the topic of isolating (aka purifying) the alleged “SARS-COV-2”. His entire letter is here:

March 19, 2021: Australian Capital Territory / Canberra Health Services once again failed to provide / cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet (thus demonstrating that they still have zero proof that “the virus” actually exists). Full communications:
Mar 16 2021: Western Australia Minister & Department of Health confirm they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet (and thus zero proof that “the virus” exists), and that PathWest Laboratory Medicine only does the quackery version of “virus isolation”. Full communications:
April 28, 2021: South Australia Minister for Health and Wellbeing confirmed they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet (and thus zero proof that “the virus” actually exists). Full communications:
May 25, 2021: New South Wales Ministry of Health, Australia, confirmed they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet (and thus zero proof that “the virus” actually exists). Full communications:
October 27, 2021:
The UK’s new euphemistically-named Health Security Agency confirmed that they have no records re isolation/purification of the alleged COVID-19 virus. The requester wrote back with a lovely response:

No records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation, admits the U.K. Department of Health and Social Care (note: there are not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 such responses from DHSC – the most recent dated October 11, 2021):

[Note The U.K. Department of Health and Social Care has now kept us waiting for almost 1 year on an FOI request for (at most) 3 days worth of analysis on the alleged “alpha variant” announced by Matt Hancock on December 14, 2020:]
UK’s Government Office for Science has no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification:

September 20, 2021: UK’s Government Office for Science confirmed once again “we do not hold the information you have requested”, re “SARS-COV-2” (including any “variants”) isolation/purification, by anyone, anywhere:
(January 25, 2022:
The UK’s Government Office for Science (Go-Science) confirmed they also have no record containing details of any “controls” used in anti-science, so-called “virus isolation” cell culture procedures or “whole genome sequencing” procedures:
April 9, 2022:
This FOI response from Metropolitan Police, UK very strongly suggests that the people involved in their COVID-19 crime investigation (reference number 6029679/21) are either:
1) wildly unorganized and incompetent, or
2) participating in a cover-up of worldwide fraud and crimes against humanity.
We required the people acting for Metro Police to provide records that they ought to have sought as part of their investigation – records describing the first and absolutely essential (but not sufficient) step in proving the existence of the alleged “virus” (purification from bodily fluid/tissue), OR, if they have no such records (since none exist anywhere in the world) studies that in their opinion prove the existence of “SARS-COV-2”.
The people at Metropolitan Police claim that they would need more than 18 hours to search for said records, and hide behind an exemption based on said claim.
See page 22:
This letter is to inform you that it will not be possible to respond to your request within the cost threshold…Please also note that when one part of a request is refused because the cost of completing that part of the request would exceed the appropriate limit, this results in the refusal of the request in its entirety….
Section 12(2) – Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit The Section 12 Exemption applies because any attempt to fulfil this request would require an extensive manual search to ascertain whether any of the information requested is held…
The appropriate limit has been specified in regulations and for agencies outside central Government, this is set at £450.00. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours [at a rate of £25 per hour] in determining whether the MPS holds the information and then locating, retrieving and extracting the information.”
(As noted in my response: “Philip Hyland tells me that one of the first points he made in the crime complaint was that there was an onus on the MHRA to establish whether the virus really exists, and he referred to my worldwide collection of FOIs responses showing that no queried public body held an isolated/purified virus and hence could not scientifically establish existence. I also provided 2 statements to the investigative team, advising them of the FOIs and their significance based on simple logic that anyone can understand.”)
March 8, 2022:
London Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) confirmed they have no record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being found in and purified from any diseased human on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, ever,and that the men in charge of the Metropolitan Police COVID-19 crime investigation (file number 6029679/21) that was wrongfully shut down also have no record to proves “its” alleged existence. See page 8:

Same, from the UK’s Cabinet Office and the UK Prime Minister’s Office, in response to a query from Marc Horn. See here: and here:
January 14, 2022:
The UK Cabinet Office once again confirmed for Marc Horn that they have no record of:
– the alleged “virus” having been found in the bodily fluids of any patient on Earth and purified so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments;
– a unique RNA sequence that is tested for by any testing method which identifies the presence of the imaginary virus and no other genetic material;
– an unique harm caused by the imaginary virus;
– experimental evidence of transmission of the imaginary virus:

Here is a sketchy FOI reply from the U.K. Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (obtained by Mr. Athanasios Kandias). The agency provided/cited no records re “SARS-COV-2” isolation. Their response includes an (apparently fraudulent) claim that such records are available in the public domain, but they provided zero links/citations despite having been asked for the location of any such records. Excerpts are shown below. Full response:
May 4, 2021: University of Warwick (UK) admits that they hold no record describing “SARS-COV-2” purification from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, ever:
Regarding “BNT162b2”, the mRNA ingredient in the Pfizer-BioNTech “Covid-19 vaccine” that is transcribed from a genetic template that allegedly encodes the allegedly viral spike (S) protein of the alleged “SARS-COV-2 virus”, U.K. Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency admitted to investigative journalist Frances Leader that: the genetic template on which it (“BNT162b2”) is based “does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person“, rather it “was generated via a combination of gene synthesis and recombinant DNA technology“. The email exchange is available here:
and in a pdf here:

No EM photos of purified “SARS-COV-2”, no peer reviewed paper with the genome of purified “SARS-COV-2”, no proof that “the virus” causes “COVID-19”, etc — says UK’s Cabinet Office in response to the queries shown below from Bartholomeus Lakeman; full letter here: and preserved here:

No records re isolation of “SARS-COV-2” from an unadulterated sample, says the UK’s House of Commons, in response to a query from Marc Horn:
Same, from the UK’s House of Lords, in response to a query from Marc Horn:
October 28th, 2021:
Steve Hanratty who acts as a Business Manager, Sunderland City Council, UK confessed to our dedicated FOI-filer in England that the people of Sunderland City Council have no record of any alleged “SARS-COV-2″ being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of a human and purified… in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka “science”):

November 1, 2021:
Wiltshire Council, UK confessed to our dedicated FOI-filer in England that they have no record describing any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or “variant”) being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified… by anyone, anywhere, ever… in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka “science”):

November 4, 2021:
The “Information Management Team” at London Borough of Hackney confessed to our dedicated FOI-collector in England that they have no record describing any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or “variant”) being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified… by anyone, anywhere, ever… in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka “science”):

October 21, 2021:
Kirklees Council confessed to our dedicated FOI-collector in England that they have no record describing any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or “variant”) being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified… by anyone, anywhere, ever… in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka “science”):

May 28, 2021:
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea confessed to our dedicated FOI-collector in England that they have no record describing any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or “variant”) being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified… by anyone, anywhere, ever… in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka “science”):
October 21, 2021:
Derby City Council (UK) confirmed for the FOI requester that they have no scientific evidence that SARS-COV-2 has been isolated and actually exists anywhere in the world.

January 13, 2022:
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton, of the National Health Service (UK), confirmed for the FOI requester that they have no scientific evidence that SARS-COV-2 has been isolated and actually exists anywhere in the world.

December 14, 2021:
London Borough of Bromley confirmed for the requester that they also have no record of ANY of the following alleged “viruses” having been purified from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, or any study proving a causal link to the suspected infectious diseases:
- Any common cold coronavirus
* Ebola - HIV
- Influenza
- Measles
- Polio
* Zika - MERS
- ANY VIRUS on the Childhood Immunization schedule: 29, 2021:
Norfolk County Council, East of England (covers Great Yarmouth) confirmed for the requester that they have no record of any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (including any scariants) having been found in and purified from the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of any diseased “host” on the planet (in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments) by anyone, anywhere, ever. 30, 2021:
Leicester City Council confirmed for the requester that they have no record of any “SARS-COV-2” having been purified from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, or any studies suggesting a causal link between “it” and the suspected infectious “COVID-19”: 10, 2021:
London Borough of Lambeth confirmed for the requester that they have no record of any “SARS-COV-2” having been purified from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, or any studies suggesting a causal link between “it” and the suspected infectious “COVID-19”: 22, 2021:
Lincolnshire County Council confirmed for the requester that they have no record of any “SARS-COV-2” having been purified from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, or any studies suggesting a causal link between “it” and the suspected infectious “COVID-19”: 25, 2021:
Nottinghamshire County Council in the UK confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs that they have no record of any “SARS-COV-2” having been purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, or any record proving a causal link between “it” and the suspected infectious disease “Covid-19”: 13, 2021:
Rutland County Council in the UK confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs that they have no record of any “SARS-COV-2” having been purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, or any record proving a causal link between “SARS-COV-2” and the suspected infectious disease “Covid-19”: Bedfordshire Council confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs they have no record describing purification of “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, ever: Council confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs they have no record describing purification of “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, and no records proving a causal link between “Sars-Cov-2” and the suspected infectious disease Covid-19:
Derby City Council in the UK confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs that they have no record of any “SARS-COV-2” having been purified from a patient sample, by anyone on the planet:
Hertfordshire County Council in the UK confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs that they have no record of any “SARS-COV-2” having been purified from a patient sample, by anyone on the planet:
October 19, 2021: East Midlands – Leicestershire County Council in the UK confirmed for the requester that they have no record of any “COVID-19 virus/variant” purified from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet – and thus zero evidence of “its” existence:

October 25th, 2021: Bedford Borough Council in England confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs that they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone on the planet:
October 25th, 2021: Brent Council in England confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs that they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone on the planet, and no records proving a causal link between the imaginary virus and “covid-19”:
October 30, 2021:
Suffolk County Council in England confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs that they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone on the planet, and no records proving a causal link between the imaginary virus and (PCR results packaged as) “covid-19”.

October 20, 2021:
Public Health London Hammersmith and Fulham in the UK confirmed for the requester that they have no record of any “COVID-19 virus/variant” purified from any patient sample by anyone, anywhere on the planet, and no record proving a causal link between the alleged virus and “COVID-19” – and thus zero evidence of “its” existence:

October 28, 2021:
Brighton and Hove City Council in England confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs that they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification by anyone on the planet:

(Click here to see a series of “COVID-19” FOI requests submitted by Marc Horn to various agencies:
Same, from Public Health Scotland in response to Athanasios Kandias:

Same, for the 2nd time from Public Health Scotland in response to my colleague in NZ:
September 10, 2021: Public Health Scotland confirmed once again, this time for Richard Anthony, that they have no purified sample of the alleged “COVID=19 virus/variants” and know of no one in Scotland who does, and they equated isolation/purification with meaningless, unscientific monkey cell culturing. Pdf:

February 15 and March 9, 2022:
Scotland: The Scottish government’s Directorate for COVID Public Health, COVID: COVID Ready Society says that having a clear route for synthesising scientific evidence and presenting that to Government is important.
Nevertheless, Jason Carroll also confirmed that the Scottish government has no record of “SARS-COV-2” being found in the bodily fluids of any sick human on Earth and purified… which would be necessary so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized, studied with controlled experiments and shown to exist.
In March 2022, a response to an appeal re the above yielded confirmation – no records.

Public Health Wales provided Dr. Janet Menage a sketchy excuse for not properly assisting with her request (Dr. Menage has submitted a complaint to the PHW ‘Corporate Complaints’ team); see PHW’s response here:

Here is a 2nd & more recent dodgy response from Public Health Wales yielding no record, or citation of any record, of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification done by anyone, anywhere, ever.
Below is a screenshot of a Freedom of Information response to Mr. James McCumiskey, author of The Latest Conspiracy: The Biomedical Paradigm, from the University College Dublin, explaining that Ireland’s National Virus Reference Laboratory has no records describing “how the Novel Coronavirus was purified“. Click the link for more details.

December 23, 2020:
Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) informed Mr. Robert Pye that they have no record describing isolation/purification of “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere (I believe this is the response reported on by Gemma O’Doherty last year – I finally obtained a copy):

Statens Serum Institut, Denmark told Alex Holmsted that (translation): “The Statens Serum Institut can state that we have now carried out a journal search for documentation that has convinced the Statens Serum Institut about the real existence of SARS-CoV-2, the alleged cause of COVID19 and moreover, we have in some other way tried to locate relevant documents. Statens Serum Institut can note that we are not in possession of the requested documents...”

Related video: Denmark health officials became indignant and defensive during a press conference when asked by journalist Kristofer Krarup about the FOI responses from their own institutions indicating they have zero proof of “the virus”:

April 2020: In response to a query from to Dr. Kevin Corbett, Public Health England admitted using fake virus material to evaluate “COVID-19” tests, that the gold standard is not isolated virus, and more:

No records re isolation of “SARS-COV-2” from an unadulterated sample, Public Health England told Andrew Johnson, a Technology Tutor at a UK University: This is Andrew’s write-up on his FOI request:
Months ago, the StandUpX Science Committee published an open letter dated June 22, 2020 to the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. Below is a screenshot from their letter, demanding scientific proof of the alleged “COVID-19 virus”. (Their entire letter can be viewed and/or downloaded here:

StandUpX Committee member Piers Corbyn also made the demand verbally outside the headquarters of the UK government; video footage of the demand is available at this url (not the embedded video below – that is a different video featuring Peirs Corbyn; WordPress would not embed the footage of the demand for some reason, so please click on this url to see the demand, not on the image below):
Below is footage of Piers Corbyn calling out the UK government for the non-isolation of their theoretical “SARS-COV-2 virus”. ERRATUM: In the description underneath the video (on the bitchute page) the authors of the publication on the Drosten PCR test are referred to has ‘Drosten et al’ when it should read ‘Croman et al’.
StandUpX has a petition entitled “If there’s no proof the virus exists end all Lockdowns/Masks/Trax/Vax actions“. If you can tell the difference between isolation and fraudulent monkey business, please consider signing it, here:
In April StandUpX committee member Dr. Kevin Corbett MSc PhD (@KPCResearch on Twitter) published a paper describing issues around the non-isolation of the theoretical SARS-COV-2 virus. Below is a screenshot from his paper entitled “WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE ‘NOVEL CORONAVIRUS’, ‘SARS-CoV-2’, AND THE ACCURACY OF THE TESTS?”, which you may access here:

Guess “WHO” advised Public Health England (and the rest of the world) not to isolate “the virus” as a routine diagnostic procedure, and “WHO” encourages the conflation of isolation with culturing? See the screenshots below from page 4 of the Interim Guidance document dated March 2, 2020 “Laboratory testing for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in suspected human cases” kindly provided by Dr. Corbett of StandUpX: and page 8 of the Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 Interim guidance 11 September 2020

Update, October 1, 2020: My colleague in New Zealand recently received a “no records” response from Public Health England – identical to the “no records” response above that was already provided to Andrew Johnson. You may access this 2nd response from PHE here:
Update November 1, 2020: Marc Horn also queried Public Health England for records describing “SARS-COV-2 isolation” from a sample not unadulterated with additional genetic material. Response: no records.
Another “no records” FOI response from Public Health England dated November 3, 2020, in response to a request from Athanasios Kandias for records (re SARS-COV-2 isolation) held by the National Biological Standards Board. (Preserved here:
No records supporting the claim that the alleged “SARS-COV-2 virus” causes “COVID-19” symptoms says Public Health England, in response to a query from Marc Horn. Note that PHE cited 3 publicly available studies, none involving isolation of “SARS-COV-2” from a sample not unadulterated with additional genetic material.
September 7, 2021:
Public Health England failed once again to cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification:

September 20: Public Health England confirmed for Yvonne Hobbs that it does not hold any information re purification of any “COVID-19 virus” or “variants”.

September 28, 2021:
Public Health England confirmed that they still have no record of “SARS-COV-2” (including “variants”) purification, by anyone, anywhere:
July 27, 2021: In England, the Pennine Acute National Health Service Trust and the Salford Royal National Health Service Foundation Trust disclosed in FOI responses:
• that they have in total zero records re “SARSCov2” satisfying Koch’s Postulates (and yes, we know that a strict application of Koch’s would not be possible, even if the imaginary “virus” actually existed; note that these institutions provided plenty of unrequested data but no records whatsoever re “virus” isolation/purification);
• PCR tests have been run with up to 42 cycles;
• <10 children died within 28 days of a positive convid test;
• “cause of death is not recorded in our clinical systems”. Full response:

No records supporting the claim that the alleged “SARS-COV-2 virus” causes “COVID-19” symptoms, says the UK’s House of Commons, in response to a query from Marc Horn:
No records supporting the claim that the alleged “SARS-COV-2 virus” causes “COVID-19” symptoms , says the UK’s House of Lords, in response to a query from Marc Horn:
Britain’s Health and Safety Executive confirmed for Athanasios Kandias on November 3, 2020 that they hold no information relating to isolation of “SARS-COV-2”.
(Preserved here:
Here is an exasperating email exchange between myself and Imperial College London, home of the disgraced “COVID-19” modeller Professor Neil Ferguson and Public Health England’s Deputy Director of National Infection Service and Director of Reference Microbiology Services, British virologist, Professor Maria Zambon FMedSci FRCPath. The College clearly has no records describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification but is unwilling to admit such:

Kepa Ormazabal submitted a Freedom of Information request to Spain’s Ministry of Health for bibliographic records of studies describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification (“the term “isolation” is used in the sense given by the Real Academia Espanola Dictionary”); the Ministry’s response yielded no records:
September 8, 2021: Spain’s Ministry of Health provided an uber-evasive response to an organization called Liberum, re isolation/purification, characterization, culturing etc. of the alleged COVID-19 virus. Here are the actual questions posed by Liberum (provided by a member), with an (automated) English translation, and the responses also with an (automated) English translation. The Ministry’s total evasion re purification, and their admission that they don’t even bother with bogus monkey cell cultures, speaks volumes:

September 15, 2021: here is a report from Spain discussing an apparent class action lawsuit demanding proof of “the virus, in the form of a sample to be subjected to independent verification:
The Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Andrea Ammon, has admitted to having no documentation, even for the ECDC’s methodology to prove that a virus exists, let alone proof of SARS-COV-2:

According to the website of Slovenia’s University of Ljubljana, their Faculty of Medicine has been involved in “…implementation of the latest molecular diagnostic procedures; an attempt to isolate the virus in cell cultures [oxymoron], which is a precondition for testing anti-viral agents and vaccines…“. The Faculty formally admitted on November 30, 2020 to having no record (even obtained from others) of “SARS-COV-2” isolation or proving a causal link to “COVID-19”; also that 40 PCR cycles have been used across Slovenia since the beginning of testing. The Faculty’s original response and an English translation are available here:

More recently, Slovenia’s Ministry of Health stated that they had no records re “SARS-COV-2” purification, PCR tests, etc. and transferred an FOI request to the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology (IMI) at the Univerisy of Ljubljana. The IMI eventually admitted in February 2021 that they have no records re “virus” purification and that PCR tests have been conducted using up to 40 cycles. Bother letters are here:
And more recently still, Slovenia’s National Laboratory for Health, Environment & Food (Nacionalnega laboratorija za zdravje, okolje in hrano, NLZOH – “the central and largest Slovenian public health laboratory that handles environmental protection, diagnostic and public health microbiological activities, chemical and microbiological analyses of different types of samples, and also performs research activities“) failed to provide or cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification or proof of existence, despite an intervention by the Information Commissioner. NLZOH also cited a “business secret” in responses re queries re PCR testing.
July 9, 2021: Slovenia’s main medical centre – Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, UKCLJ (University Medical Centre Ljubljana) – provides/cites zero records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification but nevertheless claims Koch’s Postulates are fulfilled, and cites typical “monkey business” papers:

December 22, 2021:
Argentina’s National Administration of Laboratories and Health Institutes “Dr. Carlos Malbrán” is described as “a decentralized public body dependent on the Ministry of Health“, and is a Collaborating Center on Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance with guess “WHO”.
Monica Tous (“Virology Department Head”) responded to Edgar Horacio Russo’s request for records describing “SARS-COV-2” purification with a letter about PCR “tests”, “sequencing” of RNA soups, oxymoronic “virus isolation” attempts in monkey cell cultures, and this gem: “The LNR does not handle the use of the electron microscope.”
Upon appeal it was admitted “there are NO records of what was requested under the specified conditions since viral purification is not performed” (see p 16, 21):

June 18, 2021: Argentina’s Ministry of Health strongly suggested in an FOI response to Ana Maria Daverede (re the meaningless “COVID-19” PCR tests) that they too have no record of “the virus” having been purified. In point 4 they mention “by not having viral isolates available …” (Also in point 9: “does not serve to discriminate carriage, infection, disease, contagiousness, transmissibility …”)
VIDEO: Admiten que no existe el coronavirus: Develan la gran farsa
Hall of Shame
On February 15, 2021 Kepa Ormazabal submitted an FOI request re isolation/purification of the phantom “virus” to the Basque Country (Spain) Office of the President and Department of Health and all dependent institutions. Months later Kepa wrote:
“According to the law, they have 30 days to respond; 60 if the question is especially complex. Today is May 2nd and I have not heard from them.”

On March 30, 2021 Kepa Ormazabal submitted another FOI request re isolation/purification of the phantom “virus” to the flagship of Spanish research, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas /Higher Council of Scientific Research (the image below indicates the reception of the request by the institution). Months later Kepa writes: “Again, they have not responded and, therefore, their silence is refusing access to the information they may hold in regards to my question.“
“The CSIC and the Basque government are public institutions and, therefore, must comply with the Ley de transparencia, buen gobierno y acceso a la información pública/Law of transparency, good governance and access to public information. Article 20.4 of this law states that, if after 30 days there has been no response from the public administration, this silence is to be understood as meaning that the request to access the public information solicited has been refused.”

Would you like to help? FOI Template
If you would like to submit your own FOI request to another institution, or obtain an updated response from an institution that has already been FOI’d, here is a suggested template and some tips:
Please share with me any responses that you receive!)
Terrain: the Film The End of Germ Theory?
from Andrew Kaufman M.D.
and Marcelina Cravat

So “What The Hell Is Going?
At this point you might be scratching your head and wonder what on Earth is going on. If so, the collection of resources on the page linked below will reveal the fraud behind the fake pandemic known as “COVID-19”, as explained by various experts. The focus here is on the isolation/purification issue, the fake “genomes” and meaningless PCR tests that are at the heart of it all.
The Virus Challenge:
And finally, some interviews and speeches of my own…
Dr Kevin Corbett, Dr Mark Bailey and I spent 2 hours reviewing the anti-scientific nature of virology and “covid” with Dr. Dolores Cahill on her radio show July 9, 2022.:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Uncovering Virology Through FOI with Christine Massey
Jul 5th, 2022 by The Collective Resistance Podcast – with Leo and Fabiola
Audio here:

My interview with France’s Marc Gray of CoronaX-Files: can CV19 isolation records be found?
(some of my colleagues think this is one of my better interviews)
(French subtitles will eventually be added):
Saturday, April 2, 2022: Christopher James (of A Warrior Calls) and I speaking at Dundas Square in Toronto – thanks to Kelly Wolfe (of Canadian Democratic Defense Association) and Lamont Daigle (of The Line Canada) ♥♥♥ – explaining basics re the SARS-COV-2 fraud and the war that is occurring on we the people…
January 21, 2022 interview with Maggie of People for Justice

January 20th, 2022:
Discussing the unlawful arrest of this flesh and blood woman with Common law teacher Christopher James of A Warrior Calls:
January 19, 2022:
My first interview with the lovely Ramola D.:

January 6, 2022:
This was my first-ever conversation with my great hero and inspiration, Dr. Tom Cowan.
Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends| EP 44: Christine Massey

My interview with Mike Adams “the Health Ranger” of NaturalNews and founder of

Video: Thursday August 26 2021: My interview with common law teacher Christopher James of A Warrior Calls

Video: October 20, 2021: Christine Massey & Dr. Kevin Corbett discuss the missing proof of the existence of ‘SARS-CoV-2’ :

Audio: October 1, 2021: The Worldwide Hunt for SARS-CoV-2: Christine Massey Interview about her Freedom of Information Law responses — Eric F. Coppolino of Planet Waves FM:

October 2021: Dr. Bill Smith and I joined Brian Lupo of Cann Con Community to discuss the isolation/purification issue, and the “covid” injections:

August 20, 2021: Atlantic Underground with Guests Patrick King and Christine Massey–64-zoom_0:9

August 10, 2021: DOES THE ‘VIRUS’ EXIST? HAS SARS-COV-2 BEEN ISOLATED? With Professor Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research (and here it is with Dutch subtitles)
In April 2021 I did a short impromptu interview with Lockdown Radio, at a protest in my new hometown of Peterborough Ontario (7 minutes, audio only):
In early December 2020, Kevin J. Johnston invited me to discuss the FOI documents on his weekly podcast:

On November 28, 2020 I gave a speech at The Line Canada‘s anti-lockdown protest; it begins at the 19 minute mark in this video:
On November 26, 2020 at a protest in Toronto, I was given a spur-of-the-moment opportunity to deliver a message to the Canadian government re their handing of “COVID-19”, via the mainstream media. Enjoy:
If you would like to receive email updates re new FOI responses, let me know at or
Twitter has “permanently” banned me!
So connect with me on FB:

David Icke sums up virology so perfectly, in 11 minutes:

The fascinating new documentary series, The Viral Delusion from Hollywood filmmaker Mike Wallach, is free for a limited time and features the growing group of doctors and scientists dismantling the illusion of virus theory to understand the real causes of disease – from The Great Plague to Polio, AIDS to COVID.
You can now see Episode One for free, by clicking HERE

“Absolutely incredible and incredibly important” – Dr. Sam Bailey.
“Immensely important and beautifully made” Dr. John Bevin-Smith.
“Amazing. Should be translated into every language in the world” – Dr. Vinnie Costa.
Note: My friend Bill Huston is working on a documentary film focused on this project and the worldwide covid “story”. If you would like to support his work please visit:

If you would like to support my work… you could donate via PayPal using the button below
(or via email transfer using – within Canada only)
Please also send me an email to let me know you donated – otherwise I won’t receive your contact info to say thanks!
All of my activism was self-funded up until November 10, 2021.