The “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement

*Source : The “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement – Dr Sam Bailey
Signatories :
Thomas Cowan, MD
Mark Bailey, MD
Samantha Bailey, MD
Jitendra Banjara, MSc
Kelly Brogan, MD
Kevin Corbett, PhD
Mufassil Dingankar, BHMS
Michael Donio, MS
Jordan Grant, MD
Andrew Kaufman, MD
Valentina Kiseleva, MD
Christine Massey, MSc
Paul McSheehy, PhD Prof.
Timothy Noakes, MD
Sachin Pethkar, BAMS
Saeed Qureshi, PhD
Stefano Scoglio, PhD
Mike Stone, BEXSc
Amandha Vollmer, NDoc
Michael Yeadon, PhD